LESS Competition: popular voting online

Avaesen > Actualidad > LESS Competition: popular voting online

LESS Competition: popular voting online


Now that submissions period has finished, Less Competition keeps on
walking and starts a popular voting process online. Please, visit
www.lesscompetition.com to take a look for more details on all of the
proposals and vote for your favourite video pitch!

From now on, all the proposals will be subjected to a technical and
strategic evaluation by the members of the Monitoring Committees.
Each project submitted will receive a final score, based on partial
assessment of each of the evaluation criteria (degree of innovation,
impact, proposal scales, potential replicability, transfer, assimilation
and adoption feasibility of the proposed solution, risks).

The award ceremony will take place on the 13th November at
the “Environmental and Energy Fair” in Valencia (Spain).

Congratulations to all the participants for your top-flight talent and
creativity and… good luck!



About LESS Competition

The Valencian Institute of Building (IVE) and the CONSUM cooperative,
are launching an international competition to support innovative
solutions aimed at improving stores’ energy performance.

This initiative is part of the Climate Market Accelerator (CMA),
a programme by the Climate-KIC platform to foster the development
of innovative products and services that help mitigate climate change
and give new solutions such as these a boost over the barriers between
them and the marketplace.
