Cleantech Conference


16 Jul 2020


8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Cleantech Conference

Free Webinar:

Making cleantech’s voice heard – Why clustering is more important than ever

Innovation clusters, along with the industry cohesiveness and transformation they instigate, will have an even bigger role in the disrupted economy that is coming. The recent pandemic, drought and bushfire crises have crystallized for Australian cleantech the importance of building a platform to ensure a united and effective voice. One that not only helps to forward the industry, but also educates on the unprecedented opportunity for climate mitigation solutions to play a part in the economic recovery. What does the Australian cleantech industry need to do to create this voice?

Hear from European Cluster Manager of the Year and Cleantech Entrepreneurship Expert, Bianca Dragomir (Spain) and Nigel Murphy, Director of Earth Systems and Chair of the Victorian Cleantech Cluster as they share their clustering experience and discuss why post COVID-19, clustering is more important than ever.


Jacqueline Brinkman, CEO, Economic Development, Australia


Nigel Murphy, Director of Earth Systems and Chair of the Victorian Cleantech Cluster

Bianca Dragomir, CEO, The Valencian Region Renewable Energy Cluster (AVAESEN) and European Cluster Manager of the Year