AVAESEN > Completed projects > INENTI 2020


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Calle Xàtiva, 15 22B
46002 Valencia

AVAESEN has executed in 2020 the AVANZA con Energía project, financed by the Conselleria de Economía Sostenible, Sectores Productivos, Comercio y Trabajo in the framework of the call for Aids in industrialization for INDUSTRIAL BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS of certain sectors of the Valencian Community, within the third phase of implementation of Strategic Plan for the Valencian Industry, for the year 2020 (INENTI) with an amount of € 39,082.46.

The objectives of this project have been:

  • Consolidation of AVAESEN’s sectoral dynamization capacity.
  • Consolidation of the RES value chain and the promotion of Transversal Technologies. AVAESEN classroom.
  • Consolidation of inter-business and inter-sector cooperation: PlazaEnergía and Greenovators.

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