
  • Address:
  • Postal Code: 46002
  • City: Valencia
  • Province: Valencia


At the ISER group we are proud of the work we have done over the last 15 years in the development of renewable energy projects. Throughout this time we have made investments in excess of € 85 million, more than 30 MW in planning, engineering and development services in America, Europe and Asia.

We promote efficient energy management within the strategic planning of the company, as a differentiator to grow, evolve and adapt to the challenges and needs of a dynamic and highly competitive market.

The generation of renewable energy for sale or self-consumption represents an investment that, in addition to being highly profitable, contributes favorably to the environment.

We strengthen the values ​​of the company by incorporating energy management tools to make timely decisions based on technical, financial and business intelligence analysis, which allow us to anticipate challenges and outperform our competitors.

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